FINOFR®, in partnership with Allied Solutions®, now offers a groundbreaking digital marketing solution to help Financial Institutions sell protection products in a post-close environment. Together, we enable consumers to obtain valuable coverage and even lower their monthly auto payments, all in a self-service digital environment.

How does

VPR work?

Vehicle Protection Reset (VPR) integrates with your institution’s core systems to offer consumers a self-serviced auto protection policy. Once accepted, FINOFR’s award-winning technology digitally modifies the terms of the existing auto loan to reflect the new product. Your institution determines all criteria for the protection offer and loan modification process.  

Core data is extracted and prepared to generate a personalized offer;

A unique offer is extended to the consumer, initiating a conversion event;

New loan and product details are delivered back to your core system.



With Vehicle Protection Reset, expand your digital footprint and enable consumers to add valuable protection products to a loan modification in a self-serve environment.

This integration merges FINOFR’s powerful platform with Allied’s iQQ and Direct Impact Marketing solutions to capture product sales in a post-close environment. VPR identifies loans lacking protection products and automates personalized offers to consumers. The program is convenient, self-service, and offers consumers an opportunity to obtain valuable coverage—all without loan officer interaction.